Cisco 56-port DS-1/E1 Interface Card – 2.05 Mbit/sThe Cisco ONS 15454 SONET 56-port DS-1/E1 Card provides 56 DS-1 interfaces operating at 1.544 Mbps received over 100-ohm nominal twisted-pair cable or 56 E1 interfaces operating at 2.048 Mbps over 120-ohm nominal twisted-pair cable. The DS-1 and E1 interfaces are used for terminating transport signals within a central office or customer premises.This card supports manual-mode or auto-mode frame-format provisioning, simplifying the activation of services. The DS-1s support asynchronous and byte-synchronous options for the mapping to VT-1.5. The E1s supports asynchronous mapping to VC-12 SDH.