Cisco 8-Port Clear Channel T3/E3 Shared Port Adapter – For Data Networking44.74 Mbit/s SHARED PORT ADAPTERDemand for high-capacity corporate backbones, high-speed access to the global Internet, and trunking connections for service provider internetworking has led to a growth in Clear Channel T3/E3 connections that has outpaced all other types and speeds of leased lines. This growth places tremendous strain on service providers and network managers who must provision and manage new T3/E3 connections. The Cisco Clear Channel T3/E3 SPA for the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers offers high-density, highly manageable T3/E3 line connectivity and termination. With integrated line-interface data service units (DSUs) that allow T3/E3 lines to be directly terminated on a Cisco router, the