Implement Performance License 

Implement Performance License for Integrated Service Router 4000


This document describes how to implement the Performance License on the Cisco Integrated Service Router 4000 (ISR4000) series routers.

Components Used

The information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions:

  • Cisco Integrated Service Router 4000 (ISR4000)

The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command.


Data Plane Cores on ISR4000

To explain the concept of Performance License, it is worth it to illustrate the difference between various models of ISR4000 in regard to their Data Plane architecture.


ISR4451 Data Plane

The ISR4451 can use up to nine Packet Processing Engine (PPE) cores for feature processing, encryption and decryption included, and a single core for Input and Output (I/O) processing. Each PPE core can handle one packet at a time.

Nine Packet Processing Engine (PPE) Cores

The ISR4431 has the same Data Plane architecture as ISR4451 except it can use up to five PPE cores for feature processing, encryption and decryption also included.


ISR4351 and ISR4331 Data Planes

The ISR4351 and ISR4331 Data Plane architecture consists of up to three PPE cores used for feature processing, and a single core for both I/O and crypto processing.

Three PPE Cores

When Traffic Exceeds the Licensed Throughput

A token bucket system (bit count) is implemented on the I/O Data Plane core to determine if the packets can be sent through an egress interface. Traffic shaping is applied when more bits are destined for external interfaces than the license allows for.

Traffic Exceeds the Licensed Throughput

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